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Keeping Your Cat Calm: What to Do

Cats can sometimes become nervous or anxious, leading to behaviors that may be concerning for their owners. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to keep your cat calm and relaxed in various situations. By understanding how to calm a nervous cat, mellow out a cat, and soothe a new cat, you can create a peaceful environment for your feline friend.

Key Takeaways

  • Make sure your cat has their own space to retreat to when feeling anxious.
  • Avoid or reduce stimuli that may scare your cat.
  • Provide your cat with space and privacy when needed.
  • Use calming techniques like playing music or closing curtains to create a soothing environment.
  • Maintain a calm demeanor yourself to help your cat feel secure.

How to Calm a Nervous Cat

Make sure they have their own space

Cats cherish their personal territory, a place where they can retreat and feel secure. Designate a specific area in your home that’s just for your feline friend. This could be a cozy corner with a soft bed or a safe den where they can hide and relax. Ensure this space is quiet and away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.

To enhance their environment, consider these tips:

  • Rotate toys to keep their interest peaked.
  • Add vertical spaces like cat towers for climbing.
  • Provide a variety of bedding options, including those that offer the comfort of an enclosed space.

Remember, a consistent and predictable environment helps maintain a serene atmosphere for your cat. By creating a dedicated space, you’re acknowledging their need for solitude and a controlled sanctuary.

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Avoid or reduce the things that scare them

Cats can be sensitive to their environment, reacting to various stimuli that may seem innocuous to us. To help your feline friend feel more at ease, it’s important to identify and minimize exposure to items that cause distress. Common household items that might unsettle your cat include vacuum cleaners, loud speakers, and even unexpected new items. Here are a few steps to consider:

  • Observe your cat’s behavior to determine which items or situations seem to provoke anxiety.
  • Once identified, limit your cat’s interaction with these stressors whenever possible.
  • If avoidance is not feasible, such as with necessary appliances, introduce them gradually to help your cat acclimate.

Remember, creating a serene environment for your cat is a process that requires patience and understanding. By being mindful of their needs, you can foster a tranquil space for your companion to thrive.

Give them space

Cats value their independence and sometimes need to retreat to a quiet corner to feel secure. Provide accessible hideaways, like a high shelf or a cozy nook, where your cat can observe without being disturbed. Remember, if your cat chooses to hide, it’s essential to respect their need for solitude and not force interactions; they will emerge when they’re ready.

Maintaining a consistent routine can also help your cat feel more at ease. Regular feeding, playtime, and bedtime create a sense of predictability that can be soothing. When your cat does show signs of relaxation, a gentle reward can reinforce their comfort. Speaking to them in a soothing tone can further enhance the calm atmosphere.

Discover more about feline behavior and how to support a serene environment for your cat with Gou Gou Pets. Explore our resources on cat anxiety, its causes, and how aromatherapy options might offer a peaceful solution. Plus, take advantage of our discounts for reviews, free shipping on orders over $49, and referral discounts.

Close the curtains and try playing music or the TV

Creating a serene atmosphere can significantly influence your cat’s comfort levels. Closing the curtains can shield your feline friend from external stimuli that might be causing stress. In addition to dimming the lights, consider the auditory environment of your home. Playing soft music or leaving the TV on a low volume can provide a gentle background noise that may help your cat feel more at ease.

  • Experiment with different genres of music to see what your cat prefers. Classical tunes have been shown to be particularly soothing for some cats.
  • If you opt for television, choose channels or programs that lack sudden loud noises or dramatic visuals that could startle your cat.

Remember, the goal is to create a calming environment that will help your cat relax. By doing so, you’re fostering a sense of security and tranquility in your home.

Always stay calm

Cats are highly perceptive creatures and can pick up on the emotional state of their human companions. Maintaining a serene demeanor is crucial when you’re figuring out how to calm a cat down. If you’re tense or anxious, your cat is likely to mirror those feelings, which can exacerbate their nervousness. Here are a few steps to ensure you remain composed:

  • Speak in a gentle, soothing tone to convey a sense of tranquility.
  • Move slowly and deliberately to avoid startling your feline friend.
  • Reward calm behavior with gentle petting or treats to reinforce positive associations.

Remember, your calmness can be a powerful tool in helping your cat feel secure and at ease.

Try to stick to a routine

Cats are creatures of habit, and establishing a consistent daily routine can be incredibly beneficial for their sense of security. Feeding your cat at the same times each day is a cornerstone of a good routine. This not only helps regulate their appetite but also anchors their day with predictable events. Similarly, scheduling regular playtime can help channel their energy into positive interactions and reinforce a calming structure in their lives.

In addition to meals and play, consider setting aside time for bonding activities like snuggling or brushing. These moments of connection can foster a sense of safety and trust between you and your feline friend. Remember, a routine goes beyond just activities; it also includes maintaining a consistent environment. This means keeping their bedding, toys, and litter boxes in fixed locations to avoid unnecessary stress.

By integrating these simple steps into your daily life, you can help your cat adjust to a stable and reassuring routine:

  • Feed adult cats twice per day at the same time, ideally before you settle for the night.
  • Dedicate specific times for play and bonding each day.
  • Keep the litter box clean and in the same location.

While consistency is key, be mindful of your cat’s response to the routine you establish. If you notice signs of discomfort or stress, it may be time to consult with a professional for further guidance.

Introduce new things slowly

When welcoming a new element into your cat’s environment, patience is key. Whether it’s a new piece of furniture, a different brand of toys, or even a new family member, it’s essential to allow your cat to adjust at their own pace. Here are a few steps to help your feline friend adapt smoothly:

  • Start with scent introductions. Allow your cat to become familiar with the smell of the new item or person by placing an item that carries the scent in your cat’s space.
  • Maintain a consistent environment. Keep the rest of your cat’s surroundings as unchanged as possible to provide a sense of security.
  • Gradually increase exposure. Begin with short periods of contact and slowly extend the time as your cat becomes more comfortable.

Navigating essential oils with feline friends can be challenging. Gou Gou Pets offers a safe, calming blend for pets. Caution is advised when using essential oils around cats. Remember, each cat is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Observing your cat’s reactions and adjusting accordingly is crucial for a harmonious introduction.

Keep a few litter trays inside

Cats value cleanliness and routine, especially when it comes to their litter needs. Having multiple litter trays in your home can significantly ease your cat’s stress, ensuring they always have a spot to go when needed. This is particularly helpful in multi-cat households or larger homes where a single litter box may not be sufficient.

Consider the following tips to optimize your cat’s litter experience:

  • Place litter trays in quiet, low-traffic areas to provide a sense of security.
  • Regularly clean the trays to maintain hygiene and encourage use.
  • Choose the right size and type of tray that suits your cat’s preferences; some cats prefer covered boxes, while others like open ones.

Remember, a comfortable and accessible litter environment can contribute to a more relaxed and content cat. Explore herbal and other non-medicated products designed to create a calming atmosphere around the litter area. These can be especially useful when you identify causes of cat anxiety like moving homes or lack of social skills, and wish to use calming strategies to improve their well-being.

How to Mellow Out a Cat

cat relaxing

Keep the noises low around your cat

Cats are sensitive to their environments, and excessive noise can be a source of stress for them. Keeping ambient noise to a minimum can help create a serene atmosphere for your feline friend. Consider the following steps to maintain a peaceful environment:

  • Identify and minimize sources of loud noise within your home.
  • When possible, opt for quieter appliances and gadgets that are less likely to disturb your cat.
  • Be mindful of the volume on your television and music players, ensuring they are at a level comfortable for your cat’s sensitive ears.

Remember, a tranquil home can contribute to a relaxed cat. By being considerate of the noise levels, you can foster a calming space that supports your cat’s well-being. Additionally, incorporating catnip may offer relaxation to some cats, though it’s important to note that not all cats respond to it. For a holistic approach to calm a stressed cat, consider playtime, establishing safe zones, and seeking veterinary advice if necessary, especially to address issues like over-grooming or itchy skin.

Help dampen noise when she is in her carrier

When your feline friend needs to travel, the unfamiliar sounds and movements of a car can be unsettling. To create a serene environment, consider these steps:

  • Begin by familiarizing your cat with the carrier at home, well before any trips. Place their favorite blanket inside to make it more inviting.
  • During travel, cover the carrier with a towel. This simple act can significantly muffle external noises, making the journey less stressful for your cat.

Remember, your calm demeanor can also influence your cat’s mood. Speak softly and offer reassurance throughout the trip to help maintain a tranquil atmosphere.

Play soothing music in your home

Creating a serene atmosphere through music can be a subtle yet effective way to help your cat unwind. Turning on some classical tunes or cat-specific melodies has shown promise in promoting relaxation in felines. Consider exploring online playlists curated for cats, which often feature soft, harmonious tracks designed to soothe.

In addition to music, incorporating geranium and other safe essential oils can offer a comforting presence. It’s crucial to use products that are specifically formulated for cats to ensure their well-being. Remember, a calm environment benefits not just your cat, but also the tranquility of your home.

Here are a few steps to enhance the calming effect:

  1. Select a quiet time of day to play the music.
  2. Keep the volume low to avoid overstimulation.
  3. Observe your cat’s response and adjust the type of music or volume as needed.
  4. Combine with other calming strategies, such as pheromone diffusers or sprays, for a multi-sensory approach to relaxation.

How to Soothe a New Cat

Try to keep the noises low around your cat

Cats are creatures of comfort, and a serene environment can significantly contribute to their sense of security. Keeping ambient noise to a minimum is essential, especially when your feline friend is trying to rest or seems on edge. Here are a few steps you can take to ensure a quieter atmosphere for your cat:

  • Identify and minimize sources of loud noise within your home. This could include lowering the volume on electronic devices or using rugs and soft furnishings to absorb sound.
  • Be mindful of the noise levels during events known for loud sounds, such as firework displays, and take measures to create a buffer for your cat.
  • Consider the use of a pheromone diffuser or spray, which can help create a calming environment for your cat without relying on sound-based solutions.

Remember, a calm environment not only supports your cat’s well-being but also enhances the peaceful ambiance of your home.

Help dampen noise when she is in her carrier

When your feline friend is in her carrier, the unfamiliar sounds and movements can be quite unsettling for her. To create a more serene environment, consider using a towel or blanket to cover the carrier. This simple action can help muffle external noises, making the space feel safer and more secure for your cat.

Feliway Classic Spray is another option to consider. It’s a product designed to create a calming atmosphere for your cat during travel or in stressful situations. Spraying it inside the carrier can help your cat associate the space with comfort and tranquility.

Remember, the goal is to make the carrier a positive space for your cat:

  • Introduce the carrier well in advance of any travel.
  • Place familiar items inside, like a favorite toy or a piece of your clothing.
  • Use calming products, such as pheromone diffusers or sprays, to create a relaxing ambiance.

Play soothing music in your home

Creating a serene atmosphere through music can be a subtle yet effective way to help your feline friend unwind. Consider playing some gentle tunes, such as classical music, which has been shown to promote relaxation in cats. You might also explore music specifically composed for cats, which is tailored to their unique auditory preferences.

  • Explore playlists designed for feline ears, like Music For Cats on popular streaming services.
  • Experiment with different genres to see which one your cat responds to positively.

Remember, the goal is to create a peaceful environment that encourages your cat to feel secure and at ease. By incorporating soothing sounds into your home, you’re fostering a space where your cat can truly flourish.

Welcoming a new feline friend into your home can be both exciting and a bit daunting. To ensure your new cat feels comfortable and at ease, visit our website for a range of Zen & Wellness Care products specifically designed for your pet’s tranquility. From calming herbal essential oils to soothing shampoos, we have everything you need to create a serene environment for your kitty. Don’t forget to sign up for our email to get 10% off your first purchase and explore our holistic solutions that cater to your cat’s well-being. Soothe your new cat today with Gou Gou Pets™!


In conclusion, keeping your cat calm is essential for their well-being and your peace of mind. By providing a safe and comfortable environment, sticking to routines, and introducing new things slowly, you can help soothe your cat’s nerves and create a harmonious living space. Remember to stay calm and patient, as cats are sensitive to their surroundings and your demeanor. With these tips and a little extra care, you can ensure a happy and relaxed feline companion in your home.

~Veterinarian Recommended